As most of you have heard by now, my son, USMC Sgt. Garrett Misener, was killed in action in Afghanistan. If you have not seen the news on TV, you can visit pretty much any of the Memphis local channels web sites and see the reports and know the basic details about it. At this time, I'd like to let you all know about the time line and services, etc. Many have been asking and we can not possibly speak with everyone on the phone or even attempt to answer individual emails. So, if you are receiving this email and wonder if someone else has seen it, feel free to pass it on.
What Happened: Garrett, a squad leader of 13 men, was on foot patrol in the wee hours of December 27, 2010 and stepped on or near an IED (improvized explosive device) and was mortally wounded. They med-evaced him to the hospital, but he did not survive. Only one other man under Garrett's charge was injured. He received a concussion and expected to make a full and speedy recovery.
To Date: Garrett's remains have been flown to Dover, Delaware and he arrived there earlier today. In the next few days he will have several things happen including Positive ID, an Autopsy and Burrial Preparations. Unless something unexpected arises with the positive ID or another portion of the burial prep, he should be flown from Dover to Memphis via private jet on Saturday. We will know for sure by either late Thursday or Friday morning.
Services: As long as things go as expected, and barring bad weather or snow, we were instructed to not FINALIZE the service date/time until we knew for sure he would be in Memphis. So at this time, we know that the earliest a service can take place would be Sunday Afternoon. Again, we will know more by Friday.
We will make the service time and date available to all the local stations and the commercial appeal if you don't receive another email like this.
We plan on a service taking place at Bellevue Baptist Church.
As far as flowers, we are trying to think about what Garrett would have wanted. He would not want folks to spend a lot of money on flowers when there are so many in this world who are less fortunate. We believe he would have rather had donations go to some other charity so that others could know the love of Christ.
We will provide names and contact information for the selected donations in the next day or so.
Many have asked what they can do to help us, and quite frankly, there is not much anyone can do other than let us know you are praying for us. However, there is something that can be done by everyone.
Garrett was a squad leader in charge of 13 men. As you can imagine, these men are sad to lose their leader and Garrett will be hard to replace. I would ask each of you to pray earnestly for these 13 men so that they will not be distracted from their duty in Afghanistan and thus be in greater danger of being injured themselves. Pray for strength and endurance for each of these men.
Also, for those of you who knew Garrett, if you have pictures, videos or stories that you would like to share (and we want to hear/see them ALL), please feel free to email them to me, or post them on line and email the link, or you can mail them to me at the below address:
Janne Zaccagnino
293 S. Walnut Bend Rd. Ste 204
Cordova, TN 38018
At this time, we ask you to keep the phone calls to a minimum as we are still trying to reach Garrett's friends and make arrangements for the Services. We are trying to respond to emails, but it may take us a few days to catch up. Please know, we love and appreciate EVERY comment. We will eventually read every word.
Thank you everyone, we covet your prayers.
Janne Zaccagnino
My thoughts and prayers are with you. Although I did not know Garrett personally he was Lance Corporal Mike Geary's squad leader (Mike was killed in action on 12/8/10). Mike was a friend of my daughters. I want you to know that you are not alone in your grief. May Garrett rest in peace.
My best friend is former Army Captain who served two tours in Iraq and is now a civilian contractor in Virginia. We worried about him often and it was about this time in 2006, when he got the news he was going back a second time. God speed to Garrett's family and prayers that his marines find a way to keep themselves going.
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