Pontotoc may have more than its share of persons who love to write and are interested in Pontotoc from a historical perspective. A small group of writers with roots in Pontotoc and Pontotoc County have pooled their efforts and have begun a newsletter to showcase their writings as well as articles contributed by persons who share their love of this area.
Pontotoc Progress readers are familiar with writers Carl Wayne Hardeman and Ralph Jones, both of whom are frequent contributors to the Progress. Wayne Carter having recently retired from writing his own newsletter, Ridge Rider News, has agreed to help them publish and distribute a brand new Internet newsletter, The Bodock Post.
It is the desire of the editors to provide a monthly e-newsletter about rural living with photographs of yesterday and today, including timely articles about conservative politics, religion, food, restaurant reviews, gardening, humor, history, and non-fiction columns by folks steeped in our Southern lifestyle.
Anyone interested in becoming a charter subscriber to The Bodock Post may contact one of the editors online at www.bodockpost.com or by sending an email with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line to editor@bodockpost.com. The newsletter is free, with no advertisements, and the editors promise to protect the email address and other private information provided by all subscribers.
Carl Wayne, Ralph and Wayne will share responsibilities as editor on a rotating basis beginning with Carl Wayne for the September issue. Full color, sample issues (not for sale or distribution) will be available for viewing and perusing at the office of the Pontotoc Progress, the Post Office Museum, and the Pontotoc County Library as early as August 20, 2008.
The editors plan to have a display at the Post Office Museum on Friday and Saturday of the Bodock Festival and welcome the opportunity to speak to individuals interested in their new venture.
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